Monday, October 15, 2012

Look isn't me this's YOU!

 If you had a friend who talked to you like you talk to long would you keep them as a friend?

               So this week, I wanted to talk about the way you talk to yourself. I call it "self-speak." You need to treat yourself like a prized possession. Wake up every morning and tell yourself how beautiful you are...if you can't do that at least give yourself a compliment or two (Oh lovely hair today Hannah!!) because sometimes you just have to fake it until you make it. The only way to become truly successful and happy is to be confident. Your goals will be nothing but dreams until you are confident enough to chase them. I have two basic steps to start your journey to the things illustrated in the chart below :)


 Step 1........STOP LISTENING TO THE MEDIA. This doesn't mean cut yourself off from TV and Facebook, but it does mean to budget your time well and concentrate on your goals more than the latest Hollywood gossip. When you see commercials or shows that promote changing the way you look or who you are...tune-out. Change the channel, turn the TV off, flip off the something that reminds yourself that no "get fit quick" plan or "low cost lypo" will make you love yourself. You will NEVER be perfect, so don't strive for perfection. Strive for happiness.

 Step 2....BREAK UP WITH YOUR it through a letter or face-to-face in the mirror. I am not even joking right now. The other day I stood in the mirror and straight up said "Look is hard to say this, but it isn't's you. you make me unhappy and you do nothing but bring me down." Will you look a little crazy? Sure. Will you feel silly? Probably. It doesn't work right away, but shutting down your insecurities little by little will minimize them to the point where you can brush them off like dirt on your shoulder. Today I was out with friends and I tried on a Wonder Woman Halloween costume (because who wouldn't want to be Wonder Woman!?) and my friends really wanted to see it. According to them, I looked really good and they thought I should buy it. I shut the dressing room door and looked at myself and saw a whale standing in front of me....needless to say I won't be going back for that costume. But when I got home, I realized what I had done to myself. I gave into self-pressure (like peer-pressure but worse...) I talked myself out of doing something I really wanted to do because I felt a little insecure. I just had a little discussion with myself in a mirror and now I WILL be going to get a Wonder Woman that I feel comfortable in because I am tired of bullying myself around. It is time to break up with my bad thoughts. It is the first step to happiness....and a cute Halloween costume.

 I know today's blog wasn't very long or descriptive, but I have been really busy and it is late. I promise to start blogging more once my schedule is balanced. I am working on confidence myself, but I hope I can help you along with your self-image as well(: I just want every person to be able to say:

 video i found that has some really shocking facts!!!


Sunday, August 19, 2012

That one thing for the new School Year(:

That one thing<3 Gotta love 1D

Okay so I have once again been gone for a very long while....and I am sorry but between my own confidence issues and enjoying summer I really didn't have the time or words to put into a blog. I have more [bittersweet] news....I will be gone this week (Aug. 20-24) being a camp counselor for CAMP HOPE<3 It will be a really great experience but I will not be able to blog at all. I do, however, think going to this camp will inspire and motivate me to blog more often. So now....ONTO THE BLOG(:

School will be starting soon everyone!!! And it may have started for a few of you already! So first day of school you will wake up and make sure you have your backpack/bag, pens and pencils, paper, binder, cute new clothes, hair done all nice, and that attitude of hanging onto every last piece of summer. But one thing you cannot forget to pack, especially if it is a super big day like mine (last first day of high school CLASS OF 2013 or maybe your first day of high school CLASS OF 2016), is your CONFIDENCE. It is the number one thing that will help you through your stressful first week and maybe even grab the attention of that cute guy/girl you saw in first period;)

My advice for keeping this confidence not only the first week but all year is to have "that one thing." Have a go to ____ that whenever you see it you remember to keep your head up high. I actually have a few things like this only because they are mostly jewelry and I can't always wear them. I have a rubber bracelet that actually says confidence, a pair of flower earrings that I adore, and my new favorite chapstick that is flavored so deliciously!!! These reminders don't have to be physical either. Some days I wake up and put on some uplifting music that puts me in a great mood in the morning that lasts all day(: Sometimes I write sappy teenage poetry or sing badly at the top of my lungs dramatically on my balcony.(: Even volunteer work can help if that's what makes you happy! It is all up to you!!!

And, like I always say, when you are confident it is a lot easier to pass it on. I'm sorry but I have a lot of friends who are very insecure and I love them but I won't go to them when I am feeling insecure because I just get empty reassurance. You cannot reassure someone if you aren't sure enough yourself because you end up telling others what they want to hear instead of something that can truly help.

Okay so we all make those "New Year's Resolutions" that maybe last until mid-February if you really stick with them :P I am guilty of doing it to, but I honestly think the best time to make these resolutions is at the beginning of a new school year(: Think about it: you have a brand new beginning, new teachers, new classrooms, you make new friends, see new people. You have the chance for a life makeover! So in spirit of this I have made 7 "back to school resolutions"(:
1- Blog at least once a week
2- Vlog at least once a week (YES! The vlog is coming!!!)
3- Start a personal blog to get through the tough times
4- Dress in a way that makes me feel good!
5- Get all A's on my first report card of Senior year!!
7- Join at least 2 more clubs this year

So I challenge you to do the same(: Comment your list of them below or email them to me at or even facebook them to me if you are on my personal facebook(:
Have a great rest of the summer and an even better school year!!!!

:) Sorry I just had to<3
Check out my best friends new blog(: She is great with words---->

Friday, August 3, 2012


          In the August issue of Seventeen Magazine, editor-in chief Ann Shoket has made a promise to her teen readers.  The promise comes in the form of a “Body Peace Treaty,” vowing to “never change girls’ body or face shapes” with photoshop or airbrushing.  Pinned side by side were two nearly identical pictures detailing in red ink the exact changes made to a photograph before it reaches the glossy pages of Seventeen magazine: clearing a loose hair or two, removing a visible bra strap, smoothing clothing folds and changing the color of a drape in the background.  The entire page is signed two X’s, two O’s and a single, friendly A for Ann Shoket, as though the entire thing was passed between friends through folded notes over an Elementary school desk.
          Julia Bluhm, the fourteen year old girl who inspired this promise with her petition and mock photo shoot, is claiming a victory for girls everywhere, and few, including myself, are going to argue with her.  And now a new set of girls, seventeen year old Emma Stydahar and sixteen year old Carina Cruz, are following Bluhm’s momentum and asking Teen Vogue to take a similar promise with a very different response.
          After they held a mock runway featuring real and diverse teen girls outside of Teen Vogue’s office, they reportedly were given a short meeting with the editors of Teen Vogue, where they were handed issues of Teen Vogue littered with Post It notes designating diversity as they believed it; mostly skinny african american models.  The girls were then sent away with their homework.
          It’s the industries little open secret; the glossy fantasy we see in the pages of magazines and advertisements everywhere is only slightly more achievable as a CGI dragon.  That super skinny celebrity you saw on the cover doesn’t really have skin that clear, her hair is not always that perfect, and no, she does not actually that skinny.  For good measure, the editors shaved five pounds off of her sides with a computer program before sending it to the press, for thousands of people to sigh at, never wondering where she must keep her kidneys.
           According to Seventeen Magazine, that has never been an option.  Body and face shape alterations were always ethically out of line, which might explain why they were so receptive to Bluhm’s complaints.  But according to Teen Vogue, body shape alterations have never been an option either, at least when it comes to the non-models and readers they regularly feature in their magazine.  That has to mean something?  Right?
          The use of photoshop to alter weight and body shape, lighten darker skinned models and erase features in an attempt to uniform beauty are unquestionably wrong in my opinion, especially when it deals with younger readers, like those Seventeen and Teen Vogue inevitably reach. But the real question doesn’t rest in those issues, since cooperative or otherwise, both magazine have said that they do not alter body size.
          Julia Bluhm’s petition included a request for one, unaltered, non-photoshopped spread per issue.  That request was denied.  Both girls have requested diversity within the magazine, including different races and body sizes besides that of the typical model.  Those requests, it seems, have been skimmed over.  And looking through one of my sisters issues of Teen Vogue, out of the easily hundred women featured within, there were no more than ten non-white models, and only one body shape.
          To be fair, not all blame can be placed upon the magazines.  Designers enjoy the ideal presented by the photographer, and as a result, they usually only send the smallest sizes of their clothing samples.  Unless designers start sending more realistic sizes, bigger models are not only unwanted, they are useless.   
          Magazines like these exist to present a fashionable fantasy, where people wake up each day with obedient hair and perfect complexions.  And people pay for these magazines for that fantasy, right?  These magazines never promised to show non-fiction, and they never warned us they wouldn’t.  
          So where do we draw the line?
          Is photoshop okay for loose hair and bra straps, or is that the same as digital liposuction?  And what constitutes diversity and what is fair of us to expect?  And who do we blame?
          Comment below with your opinions.


Astley, Amy, ed. Teen Vogue Aug. 2012: n. pag. Web.
Fleming, Olivia. "'We're Being Unfairly Accused': Teen Vogue Dismisses 14-year-old during Meeting after Anti-photoshop Protest." Daily Mail. N.p., 12 July 2012. Web. <>.
Intern Lauren. "Seventeens No-Photoshop Pledge: Will Teen Vogue Be Next." Bust Magazine. N.p., 6 July 2012. Web. <>.
Shoket, Ann. "Hi from Ann." Seventeen Aug. 2012: n. pag. Web. <http://>.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


I like pep talks.  
            I like giving pep talks.  If I wasn’t so stupid when it came to sports, I might make a wonderful career as a high school football coach, just to be the guy giving the inspiring-pre-half-time-comeback-speech to the tune of a Beethoven symphony rip-off.  (I wonder if I could do that freelance...)

However, I do give my regular pep talks here, online.
Before I sit down and write anything for OurBeautifulSelves, I give myself audience.  I imagine that every single insecure individual I’ve ever known has been magically merged together into one broken, ambiguously raced/gendered loved one, and I end up spending the next half hour tweaking together the best literary hug I can.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Bad Blogger Blues

Okay internet.  It's Evvan again.
So in case you haven’t noticed, I haven’t exactly been a very good blogger recently.  I would look back and give you the exact number of weeks I’ve been out of commission, but I’m afraid that even knowing such sensitive information, let alone posting it, would alert the local authorities of my misdemeanor.  
And I wouldn’t want to be the one to cost this site it’s casual blogging license, now would I?

Now, I wish I could say I was busy with personal problems or a family crisis (is that wrong?).  I really, really wish I could say that I was busy spying on the Soviets in a time traveling spaceship or organizing the Avengers initiative, but that would just be silly (and highly classified).
No, unfortunately, all the good excuses go to other people.  I have been busy with the end of school, which we all know is nothing anyone ever really worries about.

No, my only excuse is good, old fashioned writers block. 
I had ideas for you guys.  I had messages to tell you.  But every time I sat in front of a computer, I couldn’t get a draft down, or my draft was daft and ended in the trash.  You get the idea.
But the real irony is, that those feelings I had for my work are the exact same feelings people may have for themselves.  Every day we have to stand up and present ourselves to the world.  Every day we wake up with a draft, or perhaps a blank page, and we spend our time working to perfect that work of art that is our bodies into something we can be proud of.
I was ashamed of my work, but why was I.  There was nothing to be worried about, and there is nothing that you should be worried abo-


Am I really doing this?
Am I that guy now?  That writer?

Sigh.  I’m just going to cut this off where it is.  
Expect a more regular posting in the future.  I won’t give a schedule but I’ll try for something.  

I’m really sorry about that...  “Every day we wake up with a draft.”  What was I thinking...

Friday, June 22, 2012

true friends = true confidence.

Sorry for my brief absence. I was dealing with a lot of personal things and I thought it would be wrong of me to sit here and type a blog inspiring you to be confident and self-loving, when I was feeling so insecure....I feel a lot better now and a blog on those personal struggles will come's blog will be about surrounding yourself with supportive friends.
We all have those friends that we can joke around with. You know the ones that you can call a fatty when  you are eating junk food together and he/she eats the last slice of pizza. That friend that you can call stupid when they ask a question with an easy answer. That friend that you can have witty, sarcastic banter with and no feelings are hurt. I think you all get my picture now...but what happens when friends start crossing the line?
When friends begin to bully. Sounds like some dramatic TLC/Lifetime special. But it is a very serious issue that I had to go through (and I have seen others go through) and it hurt my self confidence...a lot.
For those of you who know me, most of you know I hang out with a very specific group at school: my theatre friends. I have stopped being close with a lot of people outside of my theatre group because of my experiences with friend bullying. I used to hang out with a group of friends of about 9 or 10 people. Most of the kids I had gotten to know through my two friends that brought me into that group. We all hung out and I thought I could trust these people. We had that group of friends that can tease each other, but I realized it started to focus on me.
I dealt with it at first. Most of the jokes were about me being half black, which can only be expected at a predominately white school. The jokes started focusing more and more on my looks. My hair (which was an afro), my weight (I was almost 20 pounds heavier), and my race. I also found out these "friends" talked about me behind my back....and the jokes were worse.
Hannah you are so white-washed.
Oh you don't like to swim? It's because you're black.
Can you sing gospel like every other big, black woman?
Hannah you can go chunky-dunking when we skinny dip!
If I throw this food in your hair will it stay in there?
To them I wasn't Hannah. To them I was labeled by stereotypes and societal rules. I started to become mean. Not to my friends, but to my family. I went home and I would cry. I would stand in front of the mirror and wish I was different. I wished I had hair that was long and wavy. I wished I could have a killer body. I wished I could have been born white. I let these people who were supposed to be my friends get into my brain and damage the confident, care-free person I was. I let ignorance affect my self-esteem. I let friends bring me down.
Now, I don't care what people think of me. I have friends that I can joke around with but I know they will always be there for me ESPECIALLY when I feel down about myself. These friends reassure me of how awesome I am, and I can do the same for them.
If you feel like your friends may be bullying you, you have a lot of options. You can bring it to their attention. You can slowly separate yourself from that group and join a new one. You can cut that group off completely. Remember that YOU ARE AWESOME. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. If anyone is making you believe otherwise, you do NOT need them.

I don't think I have mentioned this before, but if any of you readers ever need advice, someone to listen to you, or someone to reassure you of your beauty/awesomeness you can reach me at or (if I know you personally) on facebook.

AND I might be making a facebook group for this blog to keep everyone up-to-date on posts(:

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The most anticipated time...SUMMER 2012!!!

Summer is the season that is most looked forward to, especially by high school students! Finals are over. No more homework. No more crazy English teachers. No more schedules. Just some fun in the sun with your best friends blasting the latest pop songs! One thing that is on the subconscious mind (which most people forget after the late night studying and binging to sustain life) is that summer = swimsuit season...and, well, the big question is:::::

When you hear that dreaded question I bet you think you have to look like this:::



And that is because of advertisements like::::

Oh the lovely swimsuit season.  Summer is supposed to be the best time of the year! It is a time for freedom, late nights, and nightly BBQ's. It is a time for singing, laughing, and dancing around. Many people become stressed out over (yet another) media-corrupted "season" of sorts. The media took Christmas and made it into a commercialized, over-done phenomenon. The media took Valentine's Day and made it out to be a day to rub love into the single people of the world's lives. And now, the media has taken summer and made it into one of the most self-conscious times of the year. Well I have news for you....I don't care if you do a three hour workout at the gym daily for six months to get "bikini/swim trunk ready" aren't going to look good in your bikini or trunks until you add in one important factor::::


You can do every exercise in seventeen's fitness issue. You can workout and try to look like the Hollister models and Playmates I posted above. You won't ever look like them. Heck, they don't even look like that!!!! The media uses airbrushing and photo shop. Use nature's photo shop: confidence. But you will not look "swimsuit ready" if you do not show how confident you are!!! Honestly, I would love to say that I will be swim suit ready. I wish I had the time and energy to exercise everyday, but I won't. Most of my exercise will be done this summer. And you know why? Because I want to look good in a bikini for MYSELF. Sure being show-stopping and chin-dropping would be a plus, but I don't need that to be happy. I feel amazing in a bikini. I love being able to sit half naked on the beach. I hate clothes! (I know a lot of you agree so stop judging!) This summer I will be blasting some music, smiling 24/7, prancing around in a bikini not caring WHO thinks I look like a beached whale, and hanging with my friends.

The media to feel ugly. They want you to feel horrible about yourself so that you will buy the "gold" gym membership you really don't need. They want you to buy a bunch of over-priced "low-calorie" meals. You are nothing but worker bees for them. The media is a queen bee who does nothing but sit around and make more baby-bees that have to go run around to make honey for the queen. They need your money, your time, and your self-esteem. Because who can sell things to confident, self-loving people???? That would be a challenge. (end sarcasm here)

All joking aside, I want you to feel beautiful/handsome this summer. I want you to wake up in the morning and dance around your room, singing into a hairbrush. I want you to go to the beach and not hide under some bogus over-sized t-shirt or towel. We all have a little chunk somewhere, whether its our arms, thighs, or tummies (some of us have more than others). We all have flaws. We will all be swim suit ready in our OWN way!!!! Look like you this summer(: Not some model who lives off of the gym, water, and celery...IF THAT.

Here are ten songs that are great for summer and feeling good about yourself(: (I don't care how over played some may be)
1 What Makes you Beautiful by one Direction
      Is there anything more dreamy than being serenaded by 5 sexy guys with even sexier accents? And how can you go wrong with a boy band?!
2 Boys in the Summer by Jesse James
      This song screams summer fun and summer flings!!!
3 Star ships by Nicki Minaj
      This song even starts off talking about the beach!
4 Barefoot Blue Jean Night by Jake Owens
       A little too country for some (not me) but this song is the perfect bonfire anthem :)
5 Somebody that I Used to Know by Gotye and Kimbra
      What is more fun than belting out a relationship song with your girly-friends!?
6 Young, Wild, and Free by Snoop Dogg and Wiz Khalifa
   Usually, I wouldn't promote songs that promote drugs/alcohol use but this song is catchy and about having fun!!!
7 Part of Me by Katy Perry
   This song is a confidence anthem(:(:(:
8 Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen
   While overplayed, this song is perfect for that one hot guy you see every summer at the beach;)
9 Glad you Came by The Wanted
    This one is about partying with that super cute, slightly mysterious hottie;) And do I need say more about them being a sexy, foreign, boy band??
10 Brokenhearted by Karmin
    How can you go wrong with a good Karmin song?! This song is great for getting the courage and confidence to talk to that cutie on the beach (:

Also check out Jessie J, Demi Lovato, Hot Chelle Rae, Justin Bieber, and plenty other artists for some great summer songs and confidence-boosting songs!!!

Remember you are beautiful<3

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Beauty Beheld

To anyone who thinks mirrors have power, you are wrong.
A mirror is a piece of glass placed in front of a dark backing so that light carrying the image of you and the bathroom sink can reflect off the backing, through the glass and be delivered to your eyes.
Mirrors are aids, and if the only thing you use them for is to decide how you look on any given day, they are unnecessary.  

Here’s a test.  Right now, what is wrong with the way you look?  No cheating?  No mirrors.
Could you come up with something?  And without even looking at a mirror.  Strange.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and the way you look depends 100% on how you perceive yourself before the delivery.  The mirror presents the package, and you paint it with your own ideas and prejudices.  

I will never be one to say there are no ugly people in the world.  I have seen some ugly people in my life.  Hundreds of them.  Every day it seems like I meet another actually.
We all know about them.  They're the snarlers, the tight-lipped busy-bodies, the beady-eyed liars, and the gaping-faced crazies, all consumed with disapproval or hate.  The feelings that course through you, and corrupt you as surely as lead or bad blood, turning your own features against you.  There is nothing attractive about a person wrong to the core.  There just isn't
But for the hundreds of ugly people I know, there are thousands of beautiful people who make up for it.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mirror, Mirror on the wall...

I wake up every morning (let's say "on time") and get dressed. I then go to the bathroom to finish getting ready. I wash my face. Then I look in the mirror and the torture begins...

My thighs are too big. My butt is too small. My teeth aren't straight. My nose is so wide. One of my eyes squinks when I smile. My boobs are all anybody notices about me. My tan lines suck. My hair never looks right. My stomach jiggles for no reason. My eyes, hair, and skin are ALL brown.

This list could go on and on......and it makes me wonder....Am I good enough?

 If I added up every single second I have spent looking in the mirror criticizing myself, it could EASILY amount to about a day or so. That's 24-48 hours. That's 1440-2880 minutes. That's 86400-172800 seconds. Those were moments of my life that I wasted focusing on the negative when I could be looking at the positive. Because I deserve it. Because I am good enough.

I am a very sweet person. I volunteer my time to help others. Many people would kill to be naturally vulumptuous. I am curvy where I should be even if I am a little chunky. I love the color of my eyes. I will never have to tan.

The mirror seems like your best friend, but like most things in life, it is only helpful when used for good. How else would we get that perfect cat-eye look if we didnt have a mirror? How could we tell that our favorite shirt had a little stain under the boob from God-knows-what? How else could we tell if that white shirt really needs a cami underneath? Mirrors can be helpful.

It is not healthy to lock yourself in the bathroom and pick yourself apart. You will ALWAYS have flaws. I can promise you that. Maybe you hate your nose now, but after you get that nose job, you will just find something else to hate. Then all of a sudden you are getting a breast augmentation, lypo, and you will be at the gym every few hours. Flaws make us human. The healthy thing to do is to embrace our flaws and do things that make us feel good about them.

 Personally? I do things like wearing things that highlight my "nice" curves and hide my chunky curves. I do my makeup to make my eye color pop that way people don't look at my nose. <----I am the only one (besides my sisters who enjoy friendly teasing) that has ever made a comment about my nose. I make jokes about never having to tan when people complain about being pale. These things make me happy about my flaws. Because honestly? I am the only one (besides my haters, which I would like to make a shout-out to and enjoy the theoretical buffet Evvan always talks about) who notices them. I am the only one who obsesses over them. I am the only one that CARES.

Watching the Kardashians, Biggest Loser, American Idol, The "Real" Housewives of __whichever city you watch__, and all of those other shows. promote changing yourself and being someone who society accepts. Why not be the you that you were born to be??? Why not show your flaws??? We all have why hide them? It creates this idea in most people's head that they aren't good enough. We start doubting ourselves and then everything becomes based off of our appearance. The media type-casts. When we are rejected by our crush we automatically say its about our flaws instead of the lack of attraction that person has to you. It's stupid.

I started this new thing where I wake up every morning and say three good things about myself. And if I don't like what I see in the mirror, I will compliment my personality or style or pat myself on the back for those cute shoes I just bought. Then, I go out and compliment at least 5 other people. The cannot be empty compliments either, or I have to start all over. They are genuine, real compliments, because I find joy in spreading joy.

So I challenge you to embrace your flaws and challenge yourself to be joyful! Use my exercise. Use one you make up. Google one for all I care! Find a way to make yourself happy everyday. Because you deserve it. Because you are good enough.

This video does an excellent job at showing the "magic" or photoshop.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Nothing Tastes As Good

“Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels” - Kate Moss

Now, this is simply not true.
Have you ever tasted Chocolate Ice Cream?
Rib Eye Steak?  Caesar Salad with Chicken?  
Those things are delicious.
And skinny can’t feel like anything.  Victory can feel like something, but if you can ever win by denying yourself what makes you happy, you are not playing the right games.
The truth is, food is not your enemy.  Food is your friend.  Food is one of your most faithful friends, actually.  Good food is never going to abandon you.  Good food doesn’t always expect you to pay a lot of money for it.  Good food doesn’t have to be hard or be bad for you.
And good food doesn’t have to make you sad afterwards, because if it makes you feel bad, it wasn’t good food to begin with.  Nothing tastes good with tears.  Except chocolate ice cream. Chocolate ice cream is the kind of friend that hangs out with you after a bad breakup.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The One Where Exercise Doesn't Mean Skinny

When I was growing up, I was the skinny kid.
Now, girls may not understand this, but skinny isn’t always good, and any guy can testify that the only thing worse growing up as the 'fat', is growing up the 'weak' kid.  You get passed up for a lot, looked down upon for your lack of masculine strength, and it puts you in a dangerous position.
So when I entered High School, I started exercising with the intent to grow.  I wanted to be stronger, and with that, I wanted to look different.  I wanted to be bigger, and to be the guy people ask to move tables and carry boxes.
I never did anything in public, or even in my living room, and I never did anything that used more than my body weight.  Using actual weights would mean telling someone I was trying to change, which would only open the door for critique and suggestion, and I knew I couldn't handle that.  Especially not from my parents.
I started with pushups, then sit-ups.  When things got too easy, I threw textbooks on my back to increase resistance.  I kept at it for a couple years, and one day, like magic, I was walking past the mirror after a shower and I realized how different I looked.  Most of me hadn’t changed, but the things that had changed did so before I even realized it.  Suddenly I realized I looked fuller and stronger.  And the parts of me that were the same suddenly looked better, because I was happier.


"Loose weight fast!"

"Loose 20 pounds in a month!"

"You too can look like her!"

    Society tells us being fit and thin is whats meant to be. The average model today is 25% thinner than the average American woman. Almost every single commercial break has AT LEAST one commercial sending a message about changing how you look. Today, I am concentrating on weight issues.
    The thing that is considered "in" right now is "thinspiration" blogs. Thinspiration is a combination of two words: thin and inspiration. It consists of postings of pictures, stories, and articles that all promote weight loss. These are just a few pictures I found on a google search. Can you tell which ones are healthy?

"Thinspo" or "Thinspiration" is a series of pictures that promotes having a skinny body. Pictures are mainly of insanely skinny (not fit) women with quotes that promote being as skinny as your body will allow. There are normal thinspo blogs that are mainly filled with exercise tips and nutrition information, but they aren't that positive. Looking at pictures of girls that are "hot" because of how tiny they are can be damaging to your brain. Sure, you may not be thinking about starving yourself, but what happens when you do?

Pro-Ana or Pro-Mia thinspo blogs having pictures like this:

They are filled with slogans like "Do you want a cheeseburger or a flat stomach?" and "Your stomach isnt grumbling, it's applauding." Looking and obsessing over statements and pictures like this are extremely damaging to your mind, which can lead to damaging your body. I read an article about a girl who started looking at these blogs occasionally just to see what would come up next. She then started look at them daily. It escalated to almost hourly. She would read and read and read. Then one day after staring at herself in her bathroom mirror, she pointed out every thing she found as a flaw. Her weight being #1. She is 5'5" and was 140lbs. This girl is now 5'5" and 112lbs. Healthy? I think not.

Thinspo may have started out as a sort of "dream board"...envisioning yourself being your dream weight...but it has transformed into a truly evil foundation. I don't care what you look like, where you came from, who you are. I care about what you think of yourself. Sure, there is a rise in obesity in America and it is sad, and it IS good to be fit and healthy. But there is no reason you should be on a 300 calorie diet.

What do you think about thinspo?

Monday, May 14, 2012

FYI (:

I am Hannah and I came up with the idea for this blog after seeing how many people had insecurities that held them back from reaching their full potential. I also saw a disturbing fad called "thinspo" or "thinspiration" and it made me feel very sad. You can look into, but I will do a posting on it in the next week or so. (:

There will be biweekly posts (maybe even more). Most likely Mondays and Firdays (to start and end your week off well)!!! We may add another day in (Wednesday). This "we" is my friend Evvan and I(: We are both authors and have a common interest to spread the word of self-love. Keep checking back may just start to love yourself;)

Just wait.....

this blog will be amazing...

biweekly posts that promote a better you...YOUR way

This is just a preview of what is to come. This blog will be dedicated to helping YOU realize how great you truly are. This blog will shut down media and societal "rules" telling you what you should be like and what you should look like. If it weren't for differences, life would be boring. This blog is for boys and girls, because guys have these issues is just as hard being ken as it is being barbie. This blog will provide tips and tricks on loving yourself, finding self confidence, and having a positive body image. This blog cannot make you see any of these things in a positive way though. For this to be a beneficial and positive experience, YOU need to start with an open mind and open heart. Please try and do any activities suggested, read the articles, and go to the links. Once you realize how beautiful you are, you can accomplish anything.<3