Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Bad Blogger Blues

Okay internet.  It's Evvan again.
So in case you haven’t noticed, I haven’t exactly been a very good blogger recently.  I would look back and give you the exact number of weeks I’ve been out of commission, but I’m afraid that even knowing such sensitive information, let alone posting it, would alert the local authorities of my misdemeanor.  
And I wouldn’t want to be the one to cost this site it’s casual blogging license, now would I?

Now, I wish I could say I was busy with personal problems or a family crisis (is that wrong?).  I really, really wish I could say that I was busy spying on the Soviets in a time traveling spaceship or organizing the Avengers initiative, but that would just be silly (and highly classified).
No, unfortunately, all the good excuses go to other people.  I have been busy with the end of school, which we all know is nothing anyone ever really worries about.

No, my only excuse is good, old fashioned writers block. 
I had ideas for you guys.  I had messages to tell you.  But every time I sat in front of a computer, I couldn’t get a draft down, or my draft was daft and ended in the trash.  You get the idea.
But the real irony is, that those feelings I had for my work are the exact same feelings people may have for themselves.  Every day we have to stand up and present ourselves to the world.  Every day we wake up with a draft, or perhaps a blank page, and we spend our time working to perfect that work of art that is our bodies into something we can be proud of.
I was ashamed of my work, but why was I.  There was nothing to be worried about, and there is nothing that you should be worried abo-


Am I really doing this?
Am I that guy now?  That writer?

Sigh.  I’m just going to cut this off where it is.  
Expect a more regular posting in the future.  I won’t give a schedule but I’ll try for something.  

I’m really sorry about that...  “Every day we wake up with a draft.”  What was I thinking...

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