Friday, January 4, 2013

That cliche of being beautiful on the inside...

Like I have said many times in other posts, you will never be perceived as beautiful and confident if you aren't on the inside. These are just some inspirational pics I found:)

 Okay now today's blog is about the gif above from my favorite TV show, Awkward. Meet Sadie. Sadie is a b*tch. Excuse my language, but she is a bully and does nothing but point out other people's flaws and mistakes. If you want a more in-depth description of it;) Anyway, she has this "fat journal" where she records what she eats and exercise activity and what not...well this is a quote about that journal. Sadie has a very common problem. I have this problem with my friends....most of my girl friends are thin, fit young women with nice bodies and beautiful personalities. This is sometimes a problem for me because I constantly compare myself to them. The thing I have come to realize is that I am not...nor will I ever be...those girls. I was blessed with a body that is beautiful in its own way. I have more to brag about in some areas then others and have less in other areas. But my body is unique and nobody else will ever have the body that is uniquely mine.

Sorry for the crappy, cliche, short blog today....BUT I am working on TWO very special things:)

1- an awesome visual project for this blog
2- a vlog:)

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