Monday, October 15, 2012

Look isn't me this's YOU!

 If you had a friend who talked to you like you talk to long would you keep them as a friend?

               So this week, I wanted to talk about the way you talk to yourself. I call it "self-speak." You need to treat yourself like a prized possession. Wake up every morning and tell yourself how beautiful you are...if you can't do that at least give yourself a compliment or two (Oh lovely hair today Hannah!!) because sometimes you just have to fake it until you make it. The only way to become truly successful and happy is to be confident. Your goals will be nothing but dreams until you are confident enough to chase them. I have two basic steps to start your journey to the things illustrated in the chart below :)


 Step 1........STOP LISTENING TO THE MEDIA. This doesn't mean cut yourself off from TV and Facebook, but it does mean to budget your time well and concentrate on your goals more than the latest Hollywood gossip. When you see commercials or shows that promote changing the way you look or who you are...tune-out. Change the channel, turn the TV off, flip off the something that reminds yourself that no "get fit quick" plan or "low cost lypo" will make you love yourself. You will NEVER be perfect, so don't strive for perfection. Strive for happiness.

 Step 2....BREAK UP WITH YOUR it through a letter or face-to-face in the mirror. I am not even joking right now. The other day I stood in the mirror and straight up said "Look is hard to say this, but it isn't's you. you make me unhappy and you do nothing but bring me down." Will you look a little crazy? Sure. Will you feel silly? Probably. It doesn't work right away, but shutting down your insecurities little by little will minimize them to the point where you can brush them off like dirt on your shoulder. Today I was out with friends and I tried on a Wonder Woman Halloween costume (because who wouldn't want to be Wonder Woman!?) and my friends really wanted to see it. According to them, I looked really good and they thought I should buy it. I shut the dressing room door and looked at myself and saw a whale standing in front of me....needless to say I won't be going back for that costume. But when I got home, I realized what I had done to myself. I gave into self-pressure (like peer-pressure but worse...) I talked myself out of doing something I really wanted to do because I felt a little insecure. I just had a little discussion with myself in a mirror and now I WILL be going to get a Wonder Woman that I feel comfortable in because I am tired of bullying myself around. It is time to break up with my bad thoughts. It is the first step to happiness....and a cute Halloween costume.

 I know today's blog wasn't very long or descriptive, but I have been really busy and it is late. I promise to start blogging more once my schedule is balanced. I am working on confidence myself, but I hope I can help you along with your self-image as well(: I just want every person to be able to say:

 video i found that has some really shocking facts!!!